This special version of the AurAir Base 2 offers all the benefits of the normal AurAir Base 2, but is suitable for working seamlessly with the powerful air purifiers from Philips
The combination of the smart CO2 monitors from AurAir and the powerful air purifiers from Philips offers schools an optimal and well-integrated solution for measuring, monitoring and managing air quality. The AurAir meters help the present teacher to correctly use the available ventilation options. The color numbers on the display indicate when more ventilation is needed and when less is possible. The powerful (300 m2 per hour) air purifiers from Philips purify the air of viruses, pollen, gases & allergens by means of safe HEPA filters (just like in aviation) and carbon filters. The AurAir Base 2 Philips Edition gradually controls the air purifiers from Philips. For example, the air is cleaned more thoroughly when the air quality decreases and the CO2 levels increase (up to 800ppm => low cleaning, 800-1200ppm => fully automatic cleaning, above 1200ppm => turbo cleaning).
The combination of AurAir and Philips demonstrably contributes to cleaner air and safer learning environments. This solution should be part of the main measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 in schools, such as: washing hands, keeping distance, wearing face masks and clean air through ventilation and air purification. The combination of the AurAir air quality meters and the Philips air purifiers offers an extra safety measure in all cases where the available ventilation options fall short or can simply be improved.
Buy here your Philips air purifier 3000i or 4000i model.